dcc show-settings [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]

dcc update-settings [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]

dcc show-monitoring-settings [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]

dcc update-monitoring-settings [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]

dcc show-schedule-settings [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]

dcc update-schedule-settings [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]

dcc service-status [GLOBAL OPTIONS]


dcc install-log [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]


dcc can be used to perform various actions with pCon.update DataClient (e.g. query/change the configuration, perform updates, …). For that dcc provides various subcommands as described below.

On Windows administrator privileges are required. If UAC is active it is advisable to run dcc only from an already elevated command prompt. Otherwise dcc will be elevated via UAC in a new window that disappears as soon as the command has finished, making it impossible to read its output.


To accomplish updates dcc requires a license bound to a specific host. Viewing or changing settings is possible without license.

If you intend to perform updates using dcc please contact you pCon software vendor to purchase the license. Please ask for a DataClient Command Line Interface Update License. If you don’t already have a DataClient Pro license, you also need to purchase one, because it is an requirement for the Command Line Interface Update License.

If dcc should be used on Microsoft Windows it is recommended using EGR-LicenseClient to install a license. Otherwise one can install a license by following these steps:

  1. Execute ehostid in the bin directory of DataClient to determine the Host ID.

  2. Execute hostname to determine the host name.

  3. Contact your software vendor and ask for a license file. Please provide host name and host id in the inquiry.

  4. Put the received .lic file in the etc/licenses directory of DataClient.


When passing arguments on the command line some characters may have to be escaped/quoted. The details of this are shell specific, so please refer to your shells documentation for specifics on what needs to be quoted and how this can be accomplished. In general letters, digits, dash (-) and underscore (_) can safely be used without quoting/escaping them. If in doubt, enclosing the argument in single qoutes (') for unix shells or double qoutes (") for windows (cmd.exe) is usually sufficient.

Most options for dcc can either be specified as a long option (starting with --) or a short option (starting with a single -).

Short options that do not need a value can be grouped: -abc is equivalent to -a -b -c

If the option needs a value it can either be specified

  • as a separate argument (-u username or --user username)

  • directly following a short option (-uusername)

  • directly following a long option, delimited by an equals sign (--user=username)

Long options can be abbreviated as long as they are unambigous (--user would work just as well as --username as long as no other long option starts with --user)



Print the pCon.update DataClient version to standard output and exit.


Display a short usage overview and exit. If used together with a subcommand the option summary of that command will be displayed.


Overide the default location of the socket used to comunicate with the service.

THE show-settings SUBCOMMAND

Displays the current settings on standard output. If no options are specified an overview of the current settings will be shown, otherwise only specifically requested information is included in the output.


-s, --server

Show the currently configured update server.

-P, --proxy

Show the currently configured proxy.

-d, --data-dir

Show the currently configured OFML data directory.

-l, --app-language

Show the current application language.

-L, --data-language

Show the current data language.


Show the value of the configuration variable NAME. This is mainly intended for debug purposes, but could also be useful in some advanced scenarios.


Example 1. Show an overview of the current settings:

dcc show-settings

Example 2. Show just the currently defined data directory:

dcc show-settings -d

THE update-settings SUBCOMMAND

Changes various settings of pCon.update DataClient as described below.


-s, --server=ADDRESS

Search for updates by querying the server ADDRESS. ADDRESS can either be an http(s):// URL or the path to a directory containing the update files. On Windows the path may also be an UNC path.

-u, --user=USERNAME

Specify the USERNAME used to authenticate at the specified update server.

-p, --password=PASSWORD

Specify the PASSWORD used to authenticate at the specified update server.

If you use this option but do not specify a password you will be asked to enter the password on the console.

Depending on the system and its configuration other users on the system may be able to see passwords passed on the command line!

Set the proxy mode, where MODE can be:


Determine the proxy settings from the operating system settings


Manually specify proxy settings

-P, --proxy=PROXY

Use the proxy server PROXY given as ‘host:port’. Use an empty string to disable usage of a proxy (--proxy='').


Specify the USERNAME used to authenticate with the proxy server


Specify the PASSWORD used to authenticate at the specified server.

If you use this option but do not specify a password you will be asked to enter the password on the console.

Depending on the system and its configuration other users on the system may be able to see passwords passed on the command line!
-d, --data-dir=DIRECTORY

Install OFML data to DIRECTORY.

-l, --app-language=LANGUAGE_CODE

Set the application language to the language determined by LANGUAGE_CODE. If no language is specified a list of available languages will be printed and the program will exit.

-L, --data-language=LANGUAGE_CODE

Set the data language to the language determined by LANGUAGE_CODE. If no language is specified a list of available languages will be printed and the program will exit.


Set the configuration variable NAME to VALUE. This is mainly intended for debug purposes, but could also be useful in some advanced scenarios. This option can be provided multiple times to change different values at once.


Example 3. Change the user name and the password (password will be asked for):

dcc update-settings --user my_login --password

Example 4. Change the user name and the password:

dcc update-settings --user my_login --password secret

Example 5. Define the installation directory for OFML data:

dcc update-settings -d /home/eaiws/ofml

Example 6. Manually specify a proxy:

dcc update-settings --proxy-mode manual -P localhost:3128

Example 7. Disable usage of a proxy:

dcc update-settings --proxy-mode manual -P ""

Example 8. Use operating sytem settings to determine the proxy settings:

dcc update-settings --proxy-mode os

Example 9. Show list of available application languages

dcc update-settings -l

Example 10. Set the application and the data language to english

dcc update-settings -l en -L en

THE show-monitoring-settings SUBCOMMAND

Show settings related to the remote monitoring feature of pCon.update DataClient.


Example 11. Show all currently defined monitoring settings:

dcc show-monitoring-settings

THE update-monitoring-settings SUBCOMMAND

Change settings related to the remote monitoring feature of pCon.update DataClient.


-e, --event-mails

Enable sending of e-mail notifications when certain events ( e.g update performed) occur. The specific events for which e-mails should be send have to be chosen with the --send-on-update, --send-on-overdue and --send-on-manual-intervention options.

-E, --no-event-mails

Do not send e-mail notifications for events.

-u, --send-on-update

Send e-mail notification when an update is performed.

-U, --no-send-on-update

Do not send e-mail notifications when an update is performed

-o, --send-on-overdue

Send e-mail notification when an update is overdue.

-O, --no-send-on-overdue

Do not send e-mail notifications when an update is overdue.

-m, --send-on-manual-intervention

Send e-mail notification when an update requires manual intervention (interactive update is pending, errors occured during the installation, …).

-M, --no-send-on-manual intervention

Do not send e-mail notifications when an update is overdue.

-s, --send-summary

Regularly send summarized status e-mail.

-S, --no-send-summary

Do not send summarized status e-mail.

-c, --send-summary-on-change

Only send the summary e-mail when it has changed since the last send e-mail

-C, --send-summary-always

Always send the status e-mail, even if it is not changed since the last mail was send.

-i, --summary-interval=INTERVAL

Set the interval with which the summary e-mail should be send to INTERVAL days.

-d, --overdue-tolerance=TOLERANCE

An update will be considered overdue if it’s scheduled date is exceeded by TOLERANCE days (minimum 1 day, default 3 days).

-n, --computer-name

Set the computer name that should be used in in e-mails (if not specified this defaults to the systems host name)

-a, --addresses

Comma separated list of e-mail addresses to receive notification e-mails.


Example 12. Receive e-mail notifications when an update is overdue or requires manual intervention as well as a weekly summarized status email to

dcc update-monitoring-settings -eoms -i 7 -a

Example 13. If you later decide that you want an e-mail for every update even if nothing special has happened:

dcc update-monitoring-settings --send-on-update

Example 14. Disable the summary e-mail:

dcc update-monitoring-settings -S

THE update-schedule-settings SUBCOMMAND

Allows the configuration of automatic updates and the update notification.


-m, --mode=MODE

Set the update mode to MODE, where MODE can be:


Updates will be performed automatically according to the specified update interval and time.


Updates can only be manually triggered.


This mode is only available on Windows. In this mode a tray icon will inform you whenever new updates are available (the check is performed as specified by --interval).

-i, --interval=PERIOD

Specifies the interval between updates. A PERIOD consists of a number and a unit. The following units are allowed:









If the mode is set to notification the interval can also be set to login, which means that the update check will be performed each time the user logs in.

-n, --next-update=DATE

Schedule the next update for DATE. Date must be in the format YYYY-mmm-ddd HH:MM:SS.


Example 15. Enable automatic updates every 3 days starting at October the 1st 3 o’clock:

dcc update-schedule-settings -m automatic -i 3d -n ‘2012-10-01 03:00:00’

Example 16. Show update notification when the user logs in (only works on Windows):

dcc update-schedule-settings -m notificaton -i login

Automatic updates will only be performed if the service is running. On Linux this must be configured manually, usually by registering the service with your machines init-system and configuring it to start in the appropriate runlevels. On Windows no special action is necessary, the service will automatically be configured as system service.

THE show-schedule-settings SUBCOMMAND

Show the current configuration of automatic updates/ the update notification.


Example 17. Show current settings:

dcc show-schedule-settings

THE service-status SUBCOMMAND

Shows information about the state of the automatic update installation.

  • current state of the service (idle, downloading, …)

  • time and result of the last update

  • next scheduled update time (if updates are to be performed automatically)

  • currently configured update interval

  • progress information of a currently active update


This will manually trigger an update cycle.



Do not wait until the update process has completed.

-q, --quiet

Do not display progress information.


If the update was performed successfully the exit code will be zero. Any non-zero value indicates an error.

The following table lists the meaning of specific exit codes:

Exit code Meaning


Update was successfully performed


Error during execution of the update process


Error during self update


Error during installation of packages


Authentication with the server failed


Update list contained Packages with unsatisfied dependencies


Interactive updates are pending


Network was not available


Update not possible due to running applications


Update not possible due to ongoing server maintenance


License not available


Update was aborted


Fatal error during update


Update failed


System updated, but some servers could not be reached


Example 18. Perform an update, progress will be shown on the console.

dcc update

THE install-log SUBCOMMAND

Show packages installed in the specified time frame.


-i, --interval=PERIOD

Only show updates during the last PERIOD. If not specified the default is 1 month. A PERIOD consists of a number and a unit. The following units are allowed:









-a, --all

Show all packages. Without this option only catalogs and failed packages will be displayed.


Example 19. Show packages installed in the last two weeks

dcc install-log -i 2w


All subcommands exit with status 0 on success and non-zero on failure.